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Shel Silverstein Poems Homework Oh Homework

One of the devices used by the writer to give the poem a playful mood is the rhyme pattern. In looking at the end words, seven of the lines rhyme with an e sound. The topic too, is silly, as if homework could be as easy as putting it into a machine and waiting for the result.

Shel Silverstein Poems Homework Oh Homework

In 1977, students at Bryn Mawr College began a series of community diaries that have continued for more than forty years. The diaries' beginnings were simple enough: junior Skye Brainerd, inspired by the early modern women's commonplace books she was reading in a history course, bought a cardboard composition notebook to be kept in her dormitory's back smoker--a secondary living room--and written in by her friends and others who came across it (personal communication). At least twenty-five individual writers contributed entries to that first diary, and when it was full, they started a second. Within a few years, students were actively writing in similar diaries in the back smokers of at least five other residence halls, and in the ensuing decades, hundreds if not thousands of students have contributed entries ranging from Shakespeare quotations to Danielle Steele parodies, from jokes about missed homework to offers for typing services, from confessions of loneliness to arguments about privilege and the nature of single-sex education. The Back Smoker Diaries are a unique archive of student writing, one that documents the extracurricular composing of women's college students who are actively preserving their everyday reading and writing practices in a diary they have fashioned for this purpose.

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