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Bachelor Party Malayalam Movie Dvdrip Download [TOP]

This is one of those typical silly early '80's comedies, that features lots of immature teenage type of lame humor and nudity and sex jokes.No, this by no means is a great movie and it also is hardly the best the genre has to offer but it's a movie that simply serves its purpose and brings some good entertainment.The movie features dozens of silly and over-the-top characters, who are the main reason why this movie is such a maintaining and silly entertaining one to watch. It features Tom Hanks in an early comical movie role and it actually is sort of a shame he doesn't do movies like this anymore, since he certainly was very talented at it. Not that I mind the movies that he does now days of course but it at the same time is also a waste of his comical talent.The movie also tries to feature some more serious elements, that concentrated on what it means to be married. Not that this works out horrible for the movie but it of course is also distracting a bit from what the movie is really truly about; simple immature comedy. Further more there is very little story actually and it simply features on the events during and around a bachelor party.The movie is so silly, simplistic and immature that you just can't help being entertained by it all. No matter how bad and cheesy it all gets, you can't help laughing at this movie. Some comical moments are just plain great.A real enjoyable silly '80's comedy, starring a young Tom Hanks.7/10

Bachelor Party Malayalam Movie Dvdrip Download

"Bachelor Party" is a big, stupid, pointless excuse for a movie. And it's proud of being such. That's what makes it so great. One of the many examples of Tom Hanks's career before he started acting in serious movies, it portrays him getting a party thrown by his buddies the day before he gets married. His father-in-law-to-be may try to undermine the wedding, but this guy doesn't know what he's up against! So, while the critic-stapo may say that Tom Hanks is now a serious actor, so these sorts of movies are worthless, I categorically beg to differ. It's just a nice, wacky, not-for-children excuse to have a lot of fun. And when I say not for children, I mean that this movie isn't afraid to do anything that it wants! I assert that it's worth seeing. You're sure to like it.

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