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Soap Skin Bubble Plugin: How to Create Smooth and Realistic Surfaces in SketchUp

What is soap bubble sketchup and why do you need it?

If you are a fan of Sketchup, you probably know that it is a great tool for modeling all sorts of shapes and objects. But one of its biggest drawbacks is that it has a hard time modeling organic shapes with NURB attributes. That's where soap bubble sketchup comes in handy.

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Soap bubble sketchup is a plugin that allows you to easily create a multi-faceted face inside of a closed group of three or more lines. It's as simple as selecting the lines, starting up the plugin, telling it how many faces you want the new face to have, and then sitting back to watch it work its magic. The plugin also lets you inflate or deflate the new face after it's been created.

Soap bubble sketchup is ideal for creating smooth and realistic surfaces, such as bubbles, balloons, pillows, cushions, fabrics, skins, membranes, etc. It can also be used for creating abstract and artistic shapes, such as sculptures, ornaments, decorations, etc.

Some of the benefits of using soap bubble sketchup are:

  • It saves you time and effort by automating the process of creating curved faces.

  • It gives you more control and flexibility by allowing you to adjust the number of faces, the inflation factor, and the tension factor.

  • It enhances your creativity and imagination by enabling you to create unique and original models.

However, using soap bubble sketchup also comes with some challenges, such as:

  • It requires a compatible version of Sketchup and a proper installation process.

  • It has a time limit of 30 days for free use, after which you need to purchase a license or crack it.

  • It may crash your model if you use a very large number of polygons or if your machine is not powerful enough.

In this article, we will show you how to overcome these challenges and make the most out of soap bubble sketchup.

How to download and install soap bubble sketchup plugin?

Before you can use soap bubble sketchup plugin, you need to make sure that you have the following requirements:

  • A version of Sketchup that is compatible with the plugin. The plugin works with Sketchup 8 or higher.

  • A computer that meets the minimum system requirements for running Sketchup.

  • An internet connection for downloading the plugin.

Once you have these requirements, you can proceed to download and install soap bubble sketchup plugin from one of these sources:

  • The official website of the developer, Josef Leibinger. You can find the download link here. You will need to register an account and agree to the terms and conditions before downloading.

  • The Sketchup Extension Warehouse. You can find the download link here. You will need to sign in with your Sketchup account and install the plugin via Sketchup's Extension Manager.

  • The Tealfeed website. You can find the download link here. You will need to follow the instructions on how to crack the plugin after downloading.

After downloading the plugin, you need to install it by following these steps:

  • Extract the zip file that contains the plugin files.

  • Copy the folder named "su_soap_skin" and paste it into your Sketchup plugins folder. The location of this folder may vary depending on your operating system and Sketchup version. For example, on Windows 10 with Sketchup 2021, it is located at C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2021\SketchUp\Plugins.

  • Restart Sketchup if it was already running.

  • Check if the plugin is installed correctly by looking for a toolbar named "Soap Skin & Bubble" or a menu item named "Plugins > Soap Skin & Bubble".

How to use soap bubble sketchup plugin for creating amazing models?

Now that you have installed soap bubble sketchup plugin, you are ready to use it for creating amazing models. Here are some basic steps to use the plugin:

  • Create a closed group of three or more lines that form a loop. This will be the boundary of your new face.

  • Select the group and click on the "Soap Skin" button on the toolbar or go to Plugins > Soap Skin & Bubble > Soap Skin.

  • A dialog box will appear asking you how many faces you want your new face to have. Enter a number between 3 and 9999. The higher the number, the smoother your face will be, but also more resource-intensive. Click OK.

  • The plugin will create a new face inside your group with the number of faces you specified. You can adjust its shape by moving its vertices or edges.

  • If you want to inflate or deflate your new face, select it and click on the "Bubble" button on the toolbar or go to Plugins > Soap Skin & Bubble > Bubble.

  • A dialog box will appear asking you how much pressure you want to apply to your face. Enter a number between -1000 and 1000. The higher the number, the more inflated your face will be; the lower the number, the more deflated your face will be. Click OK.

  • The plugin will inflate or deflate your face according to the pressure you specified. You can adjust its shape by moving its vertices or edges.

Here are some tips and tricks to optimize your models with soap bubble sketchup plugin:

  • You can undo or redo any action by using Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y respectively.

  • You can change the color or material of your face by using Sketchup's paint bucket tool.

  • You can smooth or unsmooth your face by using Sketchup's soften edges tool.

  • You can copy or paste your face by using Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V respectively.

  • You can group or explode your face by using Sketchup's context menu options.

Here are some examples and showcases of models created with soap bubble sketchup plugin:

A balloonA pillowA sculpture

How to crack soap bubble sketchup plugin and get unlimited access?

If you are using soap bubble sketchup plugin for free, you will encounter a time limit of 30 days after which you will need to purchase a license or crack it. Cracking means bypassing or modifying the software's security features so that it can be used without paying or registering.

However, cracking soap bubble sketchup plugin is not recommended for several reasons:

  • It is illegal and unethical. You are violating the developer's intellectual property rights and depriving him of his deserved income.

system or data. You may also download fake or corrupted files that can damage your Sketchup installation.

  • It is ineffective and unreliable. You may not be able to crack the latest version of the plugin or update it when new features are added. You may also encounter errors or bugs that can ruin your models.

Therefore, instead of cracking soap bubble sketchup plugin, you should consider these alternatives and solutions:

  • Purchase a license from the developer. You can buy a license for 25 euros (about 28 dollars) from his website. You will get unlimited access to the plugin and support from the developer.

  • Use the free trial wisely. You can use the plugin for free for 30 days, which is enough time to create many models. You can also reset the trial period by uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, but this may not work for all versions.

  • Use other plugins or tools. You can find other plugins or tools that can create similar effects as soap bubble sketchup plugin. For example, you can use Curviloft, which is another plugin that can create skins and lofts from contours. You can also use Blender, which is a free and open source 3D modeling software that has many features for creating organic shapes.


Soap bubble sketchup plugin is a wonderful tool for creating smooth and realistic surfaces with Sketchup. It can help you create models that are otherwise difficult or impossible to make with Sketchup alone. However, it also has some limitations and challenges that you need to be aware of and overcome.

In this article, we have shown you what soap bubble sketchup plugin is and why you need it, how to download and install it, how to use it for creating amazing models, and how to crack it and get unlimited access. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you.

If you want to learn more about soap bubble sketchup plugin or other Sketchup plugins and tools, you can visit our website or subscribe to our newsletter. We have many articles and tutorials on how to use Sketchup for various purposes and projects. You can also contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thank you for reading and happy modeling!


What is soap bubble sketchup?

Soap bubble sketchup is a plugin that allows you to easily create a multi-faceted face inside of a closed group of three or more lines. It's as simple as selecting the lines, starting up the plugin, telling it how many faces you want the new face to have, and then sitting back to watch it work its magic. The plugin also lets you inflate or deflate the new face after it's been created.

What are the benefits of using soap bubble sketchup?

Some of the benefits of using soap bubble sketchup are:

  • It saves you time and effort by automating the process of creating curved faces.

  • It gives you more control and flexibility by allowing you to adjust the number of faces, the inflation factor, and the tension factor.

  • It enhances your creativity and imagination by enabling you to create unique and original models.

What are the challenges of using soap bubble sketchup?

Some of the challenges of using soap bubble sketchup are:

  • It requires a compatible version of Sketchup and a proper installation process.

  • It has a time limit of 30 days for free use, after which you need to purchase a license or crack it.

  • It may crash your model if you use a very large number of polygons or if your machine is not powerful enough.

How to crack soap bubble sketchup?

Cracking means bypassing or modifying the software's security features so that it can be used without paying or registering. However, cracking soap bubble sketchup is not recommended for several reasons:

  • It is illegal and unethical. You are violating the developer's intellectual property rights and depriving him of his deserved income.

  • It is risky and dangerous. You may expose your computer to malware or viruses that can harm your system or data. You may also download fake or corrupted files that can damage your Sketchup installation.

  • It is ineffective and unreliable. You may not be able to crack the latest version of the plugin or update it when new features are added. You may also encounter errors or bugs that can ruin your models.

What are some alternatives to cracking soap bubble sketchup?

Instead of cracking soap bubble sketchup, you should consider these alternatives and solutions:

  • Purchase a license from the developer. You can buy a license for 25 euros (about 28 dollars) from his website. You will get unlimited access to the plugin and support from the developer.

  • Use the free trial wisely. You can use the plugin for free for 30 days, which is enough time to create many models. You can also reset the trial period by uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, but this may not work for all versions.

  • Use other plugins or tools. You can find other plugins or tools that can create similar effects as soap bubble sketchup plugin. For example, you can use Curviloft, which is another plugin that can create skins and lofts from contours. You can also use Blender, which is a free and open source 3D modeling software that has many features for creating organic shapes.

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