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Principles Of Organizational Psychology

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Principles Of Organizational Psychology

It is essentially the study of workers and the workplace environment with the aim of improving performance through efficient utilization of human capital. It involves the application of principles and theories in psychology to explore interactions between people who fall through the structure of an organization. Organizational psychology is practiced in the processes of recruitment, on-the-job training, personnel competency assessment and organizational communication systems (Doyle, 2004).

The turn of the twentieth century saw the idea become formally conceived by scholars of the time such as Walter Dill Scott who encouraged business leaders in Chicago to employ elements of psychology in advertising and marketing.

Hugo Munsterberg added the scientific taste to it by applying psychological discoveries derived from experiments in laboratories to the industrial environment. From that early period to the present day, theory, practice and research in organizational psychology have experienced tremendous growth (Doyle, 2004).

Research and statistics have definitive roles in organizational psychology. Research is used to lay credence to any practice through scientific evidence accumulated and analyzed using statistical tools. In the process of collecting potential data used by organizational psychologists to formulate policies, researchers need to be fully aware of statistical concerns that determine the validity of their findings.

Techniques in psychology need to be based on real-life examples in order to have meaning that can subsequently be applied to real-life situations; these examples are collected through statistical processes. Psychological theories derived from analyzed evidence are more effective in the workplace (Aamodt, 2009).

Indicators of job performance and stress levels among employees are based on the accuracy and reliability of statistics collected in an organization; facilitating the need for proper and accurate statistical methods for the efficacy of organizational psychology to be realized.

There are several ways through which organizational psychology can be used for the ultimate goal of enhancing productivity in an organization. Derived from and based on collected and analyzed data, it can be used to formulate policies, create procedures and institute structures that foster growth.

The basic tenets of organizational psychology can be used by the top management in an organization to motivate and inspire workers. Through letting them in on the importance of their work, workers get a sense of value for their contribution to the growth of the organization which stimulates hard work.

Demonstrating confidence in the capability of employees to perform specified duties can just be the drive needed for them to accomplish tasks satisfactorily. Individual talks with workers to evaluate their experiences in the workplace may also turn the negatives of challenges into resounding positives. On the overall, organizational psychology is important for any organization that needs to grow beyond the conventional reach of traditional growth strategies.

Why some teams work more effectively than others is one of the questions studied by organizational psychologists. As a small business owner, you need to recruit employees who blend into and enhance your workplace, and there is less room for error in your smaller workforce. Organizational psychological principles help you identify ideal candidates, create an appealing workplace to attract and retain employees and maximize your recruitment efforts with effective outreach and interview strategies.

Think about the type of employee you need. A toy store might need friendly, playful employees willing to share an enjoyment of toys with the customers. A tax preparation service, on the other hand, requires more professional, businesslike employees. Organizational psychological principles help you identify which qualities are the most important

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